Sunday, July 4, 2010


Two weeks ago we had no plans to leave home for the 4th of July holiday.......however....we received a very special invitation from our precious granddaughters that we couldn't refuse. So.....Granddaddy & I.....along with our daughter, her husband, and three sons spent this weekend in Louisiana with our son and his family. We had SO MUCH fun and the weekend passed too fast. Saturday was spent on the lake in front of their house riding in their boat, tubing, and swimming in the lake. The picture above is Griffin as he is about to tube in the lake.

Shawn, Amy, and Zack are enjoying the boat ride.

Granddaddy had fun tubing and it was my turn next. He hit a wave and off he came which made me decide that I enjoyed riding in the boat too much to get in the water.

Late Saturday afternoon, Randy & Kim (our son's in-laws) took us out on the river in their party boat. We spent 4 hours riding, eating, looking at BEAUTIFUL homes along the river, and spotting alligators later that night.

The kids are all watching for gators and seeing the fish as they jumped out of the water. The weekend was spent with people we love and this will be one of our favorite 4th's to remember. Thanks Amy & Chris (and Randy & Kim) for a great time!


  1. What a FUN weekend you had!!! It looks like everyone enjoyed it. I always LOVE riding and looking at homes along rivers or lakes. My Uncle used to live on a big lake in Texas and we spent many 4th of July's there. Besides watching the fireworks, one of my favorite things to do was look at ALL of the homes......big and small. Did they spot a lot of alligators? EEK!

  2. Where in Louisiana were you Sue? Not that I know much about where I am except SOUTH Louisiana! :) blessings, marlene
