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I've been tagged by Kristen from The Family Fields and was told to go to where I store my pictures and choose the fourth folder and then the fourth picture in that folder. I'll be honest and tell you that I was really afraid of what it might be. This picture is me and my three sisters-in-law in Savannah when the "brothers" and their wives went on their trip. (It turned pretty cool while we were there so that's why I have on my flip-flops and a jacket!) We decided that each year my husband and his three brothers and their spouses would take a trip with no children or grandchildren. We ALL are together at Thanksgiving but wanted a time for just us to be together (since we aren't getting any younger). I am an only child and my parents are in heaven, so I am indeed blessed to have been given a large family when I married my husband. We had such a great time and I'm looking forward to the trip this year. Each year one brother plans the trip and just tells us where we're going. Next year will be our year for the planning. I am supposed to tag four people to do this (of course anyone can.....) but, I choose:1. Kimberly from My Brown Bag Studio2. Lorrie from The View From My Door3. April from Straight From the Heart4. Tammy from Country Girl At HomeHave a great weekend!
Sue, what a lovely tradition you have with your hubby and inlaws. I enjoyed the picture, too. Have a wonderful weekend.
What a great picture, Sue! I love the idea of planning a trip that you can all enjoy together. My parents have gone to Heaven, too, as well as one of my brothers. My remaining brother lives in Ark. and we haven't seen each other in two years. My husband has only one brother and he isn't married, so our family is fairly small. See why I need some grandbabies one day to dote on???
Thank you for tagging me...I'll get it posted either tomorrow or early next week. How fun!!!
Love the pic, Sue...I can almost see you all shivering! LOl
What fun! My SIL and I have about as much in common as oil and water! LOL
I had the pattern for the pinwheel and the sheep. I made the heart on myself and the crow one was a gift years ago.
Have a great weekend! hugs, Linda
What a great photo!
That is a great tradition to have...keeps the family close! Good thing you all get along!
what a great idea...planning a trip you all can enjoy...just ya'll
Sue, you are indeed blessed! Not ony did you marry a man with lots of family but it is a loving family who enjoy each other's company. That, my friend, is rare. But I think you deserve it and have blessed this family right back. Hope you enjoy this year's trip and many years to come. Sharon
Sounds like fun! What a neat town too! I lived in GA for awhile, but am now way up north in MI where it is awfully cold to this southern gal! However, i do like the snow...hop on over and "sit a spell" and see some of my winter pictures!
...I was a teacher before I had I'm a mama. ; )
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