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One thing about living in central Alabama is the variety of weather on a daily basis. I know that some of you who have had snow for weeks might appreciate this. Yesterday it was sleeting ( I still am hoping to see just one snowfall this winter), and today the temperature is in the mid 70's. This afternoon I got outside and walked around in my yard looking at everything that needs to be done before I actually begin planting. I have a fence in the back that separates our yard from the wooded area. Last summer we had the area cleaned so I was not expecting any growth there. When I looked behind the fence I saw these daffodils....we call them buttercups in Alabama. They were absolutely beautiful and I had done nothing to help them grow. Immediately I remembered the verse in Matthew 6:28 where God is telling us not to worry or be anxious. " Look at the lilies (buttercups)and learn how they grow; they neither toil nor spin,but even Solomon was not arrayed like one of these." God spoke to me through these buttercups and reminded me that He takes care of His creation. Several times these past weeks I've been reminded to be still/quiet and listen. I heard God speak and I had to bring them inside to remind me again tomorrow (lest I forget). So.....I put them in a jar and they are on my kitchen table. God is so good!
Sue, what a beautiful sight, especially here in Mi. where we are buried in snow with more coming. I love that verse as well. Have a wonderful week.
Those are GORGEOUS and I can't believe they have already produced their beautiful flowers.
Oh, the looks of springtime...such gorgeous flowers, Sue! I can't wait to start working in my garden! Love the verse you shared, too!
Can you believe it? My bulbs are blooming and my yellow bells are even starting to bloom! As beautiful as it all is, my mom is freaking out a little bit. Everything she's planted for K's wedding is blooming now instead of April!
Oh the joys of Sweet Home Alabama weather! My entire yard is covered with buttercups! Yah for Spring! That verse was very inspiring! Thanks for sharing! Happy Wednesday!! :)
OOH Sue, they are starting to come up here in TN! It's a good sign to me! They look beautiful they way you have them fixed! Blessings, Nancy
Oh, they are beautiful, I can't wait to see them out here...not until next month though! I also like how you have them displayed too:)
I think my buttercups are my favorite! You don't have to do anything to them you can chop them down with the mower and still they return the next year, more plentiful!Wonderful verse...AHHH God's Grace and Alabama's weather!
Hey that sounds like a Microburst!
How beautiful! We have beautiful daffodils that bloom on my school's campus, and they are just about to bud...which I think is exciting:) Daffodils always make me think of my Mimi...her yard is always full of daffodils, and she keeps a vase in her kitchen full of them all spring. Thank you for reminding me to be still and listen for God's voice - I needed to hear that and see those daffodils more than you know!
I love daffodils and what a pretty bouquet they made! My daffodils are in my flower bed (what fower bed I have) and they also are trying to bloom. Right now their poor little blooms are hanging low to the ground from all the freezing weather we've had. And more freezing temperatures ahead! I'm ready for spring!. Lovely post; thanks. Sharon
I think the verse also makes a case for simplicity. Flowers don't have to have tons of "clothes" on to be beautiful, they just are...
The daffodils are beautiful, Sue! I think I'm past the wanting snow and just ready for spring now! I think Spring is teasing us though!
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Be Blessed!
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