There's a first for every I had my first experience using a jigsaw (any kind of saw for that matter). I LOVE visiting Char at The Pickled Pepper Patch. This is one talented lady who doesn't mind sharing how she does things. In fact, she gives specific instructions and I have printed most of them. She will be writing instructions for projects for a major magazine starting in the fall. I want to make all her wood projects (as well as the stitcheries and Mason jar projects) and hope to have time to do so one day! Anyway....she had the instructions for cutting this pig breadboard several weeks back. By the way...when you see something you like, print it right then because she changes her downloads often and you've lost your chance! She has stated that a jigsaw is an easy tool to use so I go to my next door neighbor's house (who happens to be a superintendent for a major construction company) and show up with my piece of wood and pattern. I proceed to tell him that I want to learn to use a jigsaw. In the past he knew that meant "I want you to make this for me!" However, I really wanted to use his jigsaw (with his supervision) and make my own. So....last weekend he gave me instructions on cutting with a jigsaw. I want you to know that it isn't quite as easy as Char made it seem, but I don't give up easily. I know that it was my first time and I was nervous. I am still going to purchase my own jigsaw and the more I use it the better I'll get!! Today I stained him (after putting the marks on the board with an ax) and I'm a pretty proud mama. I think I'll try another project of Char's. Go visit her site. Don't fail to print instructions when she has a download because she'll change them for a new project and it'll be your own fault for missing out! Have a great mid-week.
Why I Love to Decorate with Vintage & Antiques
17 hours ago
LOL Char does make everything seem so easy, doesn't she? Your piggy is adorable!!
Great job Sue! I have a scroll saw that I just love... and I usually have to repeat to everyone that yes, it is in fact MY scroll saw and not my husbands! It's gotten a lot of use through the years!
How cute his that! And how proud you must feel! Good for you! I will just enjoy what you :) Blessings, Nancy
Oh wow! Great job Sue!
Aren't power tools FUN! ;)
Your piggy cutting board turned out great, here ya had a woodoworkin talent all this time ya weren't even aware of! Can't wait to see whatcha do next, and what tools ya get! :)
Happy April!
Hi Sue,
What a great job you did! Stush has one so maybe I'll ask him to show me how to use it:)
I am impressed girl....That turned out fantastic...I have never used a jigsaw or any saw for that matter! lol Girl you will have to have your own 'shed' for your workshop! Thanks for coming by sis and I hope you are having a glorious week!
That is so cute! Great job. You're very brave... I'm scared of anything with a blade! Can't wait to see what you create next.
I am definitely impressed!!!! You did a great job using that jigsaw. Love your pig breadboard.♥
Your piggy is so cute, Sue! Great job! Chris would never let me get near his jigsaw...that's a man's TOOL! LOL!
Great Job. I would have loved to you and LC working together-how fun!
Very impressive Sue--you did a super job on your first jigsaw project--it looks great! It's such a sense of accomplishment to learn a new skill.
What a great pig...good job. I would have liked to see you "whacking" on that piggy with an axe!! ;-)
You did a great you have to have your very own jig saw! Beth
Just thought I would come by and check out what my favorite crafty friend has been up to~ I see you are still busy make the cutest stuff, I love it all~
BTW, I didn't think the pillowcase dress was too bright, I loved it and have been thinking of making some for Mikah!
Good for you Sue! I have a scroll saw that my husband bought me a few years ago, and the first time I used it, I broke the blade and it scared me so bad I haven't used it since! hahaha! I might try it again one day, but I have to work up the courage.
You did a great job, and should be proud of yourself!
I missed this one on Char's blog. She does make it sound easy and I'm sure it is for her! :) I think I'll show it to Jason and let him make it for me! As long as my hubby is handy with the hammer and saw, if I don't learn it, then he'll make them for me, right? lol!
I do love this one! You did a wonderful job on yours!
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