I want to share a gift that I received on Mother's Day many years ago. It was from my daughter while she was in college (and had NO money). I have told her many times that it is my favorite gift that she has ever given me (which includes those she spent too much money for) and it breaks my heart that it is fading with age. I know that you can't see very well from the picture, but she took time to write each verse with a different colored pencil and she used a frame that she already had. I'm going to type the words so you can read them below. Also, this is to remind you moms who think that the "little" things you do aren't worth the effort.....maybe one day you will know that they made a difference.
THANK YOU....for all those notes you would hide in my lunchbox....for knowing that "Daddy's Girls" love their Moms, too...FOR PLAYING HI-HO-CHERRY-O WITH ME!...making me my own, special potato salad minus eggs, pickles, & onions...teaching me how to be a woman, while letting me stay your little girl....letting us have the HOMECOMING FLOAT at our house every year....always taking us to church....being a cool parent.....for coming to see me play softball - even though we never won....TUCKING ME IN EVERY NIGHT...for making sure that Santa left the presents unwrapped....for knowing when to say exactly what I needed to hear; and when to say nothing at all...not hanging up until you say "I LOVE YOU"....peeling tomatoes for me....and all the other wonderful things that make you who you are, and make me who I am.