Our Mission Trip to Costa Rica was a life changing experience for me. The 17 people from our church left knowing that we would be ministering in various ways but until we actually got there I had no idea what it would be like. We arrived in San Jose around noon (their time) and did not get to the camp where we would be staying until around 6:00 p.m. that night. The bus ride over the mountain (in the rain) was scary enough! We were met at the camp by our missionary and told a few "important" tidbits which included....."there is a flu epidemic right now and they have closed schools for the week so we won't be able to go into the schools" and "be sure and wear bug spray because if a certain fly bites you it will lay eggs in your skin and you may not know it until you see your skin moving". My first thoughts were not peaceful!!! After hearing this information we literally 'hit the ground running'. Although schools were closed there were 300 children at the camp for the weekend and they were waiting on us to arrive for their night service. We rushed to eat dinner.....rice and beans and a few chips. Service was awesome (outside in the POURING rain). The kids were leaving the next afternoon so Sunday was spent at a church miles away. I never understood one word the preacher said (I know only how to count to ten in Spanish) but learned during the altar service that God's love is universal.....I felt His presence and was able to minister to a sweet lady. Monday was spent working at the camp...various jobs to do.....I helped paint. Rice & beans were served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. On Tuesday we hiked two hours into the jungle to minister. We had to carry our backpacks and tents (this was the hardest part for me). The hike had us crossing the river five different times. The water was only a little above our knees but very swift. In fact, we held hands as we crossed to help support us. I must say crossing the river was welcomed by me because it helped cool me. When we finally got to the reserve we set up tents to prepare for the night. There was NO electricity or facilities for us there. It amazed me to see these people living like this. They seemed so happy. Wednesday we hiked out and spent that day getting back to camp. Thursday was another day working at the camp on projects. Friday was our free day and we took a boat ride to see all kinds of animals (monkeys, crocodiles, alligators, iguanas, etc.) and then we were able to zip-line across the rain forest. TOTALLY AMAZING experience for me. Saturday was our flight back home. I came back realizing that we in America are so spoiled. I saw children playing happily with no toys, shoes, electricity, water, etc. We were served rice and beans EVERY meal but I must say that rice keeps you from feeling hungry. They have no stores nearby and have to take the same hike we took getting in to go to school. I know that this post is long, but there was no other way. Below are some of the MANY pictures taken.
This is the school the children attend. They must hike out through the jungle and rivers to get to the school. See some of our group as they are taking a break from hiking out.
This is one of the houses where we spent the night in the tents. They had no beds....slept on a piece of foam.
Our missionary making coffee for us the morning after sleeping in the tents.
I'm so happy that I had the chance to take the mission trip. Hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventures.
I am glad yall are back!! Love you!
Such an amazing time, it sounds like! I so admire you for answering God's call to go on a mission trip and spread His word. Perhaps someday, I'll do the same. Thank you for all you did!
Hi Sue, I prayed for your time in Costa Rica. So glad all went well for you. I have had similar mission trips and they are life-changing experiences. It's very humbling to see what difficult conditions people must live under--we live a life of privilege here in the USA.
Life changing is right, I"m sure! Glad to have you back safe and sound!
Hugs, Kimberly
I admire you so much for going on this mission trip! I'm sure it is a trip you will always remember. May God bless you for being willing to share with others!
Sounds like you had a wonderful experience. We are so blessed to live in USA even with all our problems.
You are truly an amazing person.. Thanks for sharing..
I would have never made it! Seems like you did great! thanks for sharing!
I think God loves opening our eyes sometimes - He has given us so much but in order for us to understand it, really understand it, we have to see what it's like other places. blessings, marlene
How awesome!!!!! It sounds wonderful!!!!! It's great you took some of your time out to do this!!!!!
Love, Joy =D
Awesome trip!! Glad to haar you enjoyed it!! And yes I have to say we are all very spoiled!! I am looking forward to getting to catch up with you again on the blog and what has been happening with you and yours. Hope you all have a very blessed day dear!
Debi xoxo
Stopped in to read and found your Costa Rica trip experience. It sounds like God has blessed you in ways you will never forget.
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