This morning as I was cooking breakfast I started thinking about the things that "make" me happy. Guess I could have said things I'm thankful for... but that topic may come closer to Thanksgiving. These are just thoughts that came to me this morning and I'm sure there are many more but I'll share these with you.1. Jesus Christ -- He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes and never fails me. That should be enough right there!
2. My husband of 36 years. Have they all been wonderful? No, but our love for each other is stronger today than ever before. He is a Godly and honest man and a wonderful father. Both of my children think their daddy can do anything and they are strong today mainly because of him.
3. My two children....Amy & Chris. I suppose any mother (or daddy) would say that their children bring them happiness, but I'm so happy that they both serve God and are wonderful parents themselves. I am happy that they both have spouses who love God, love them, and are great parents.
4. My grandchildren.....these six little ones are joys! Perfect?? Heck, no! They are so full of life and I look at the things they do and the way they act (when I'm around) and I see their mama and daddy all over again
5 My church....I love my church and church family. I know that I need to be fed spiritually as much as physically and when I miss the few times during the week that I am at church, I can tell it.
6. The change in seasons. Yes, the different seasons make me happy. I love the change that comes every few months....the colors of the leaves, the cooler weather, the few times it snows here, and then before I know it the weather begins to warm and it's another season.
7. A fire in the fireplace. There's something about having a fire in the fireplace on a cold night that makes me happy.
8. Home grown tomatoes and fresh vegetables.
9. Thanksgiving when my whole exteneded family is together at our home. I look forward to this all year long. Family is important folks!
10. Christmas music! I LOVE Christmas music and I smile when they start playing it on the radio.
11. Christmas lights. Sitting in my den with a fire in the fireplace with my Christmas tree lights shining makes me happy.
12. The beach! I love going to the beach anytime but especially each summer when my children and grandchildren are all with us.
13. Coffee in the morning.
14. Doing something for others.
15. Knowing that everything is in God's hands and realizing that I'm not in control...He is!