Sunday, August 3, 2008


First of all I want to thank Rhoda for her help in getting my pictures loaded. If you haven't visited her blog you must! It is one that you will definitely go back to each day for wonderful ideas.
This is a delicious dessert that is easy to make. On Friday I had to have a quick dessert to carry to someone and this was it. Here are the ingredients:
1 Angel Food Cake
1 - 2 packages of strawberries
1 - 1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 large Cool Whip
Wash & slice the strawberries. Put 1 - 1 1/2 cups of sugar over the strawberries and mix well. Let them sit for a few hours. This makes it's own juice. (You may add more sugar if you want it sweeter).
To put the cake together:
Cut the Angel Food cake in bite size cubes. Put 1/2 of the cake cubes in the bottom of a large glass bowl. Pour half of the strawberries + juice over the cake. Put a layer of Cool Whip over the strawberries. Repeat the layers. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 - 6 hours. YUMMY!!!

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